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Tell us what you think and share your story on the Unexpected page and on The Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome page!
Submitting your story...
WOW!! What a response we have already received about our stories in a short period of time. We are all so thankful that others can benefit from our words and find their way through this in community.
Our stories were initially intended for publishing into a book. After submitting our work, the publisher we selected did not feel like this was the time for them to pick up our project, so the authors decided to move forward in order to get our work out to those who may be in real need to see these words and photos. Our work has been submitted for copyright and we will move forward in publishing it as an ebook.
To maintain our copyright, the content cannot change at this point, so we are considering ways that other stories might be shared. I never imagined this tremendous response and am so grateful for the famliles that are willing to share their most vulnerable moments in order to provide comfort, caring and support to others.
If you feel compelled to share, please do it! Locally. Through a blog/website. A new mom. ANYWHERE where you can to help another family to know they are not alone.
Please check back for details as to if/when/how we will receive additional submissions.