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Welcome to the family!


Odds are that if you are choosing to read this, you or a loved one have entered into the world of Trisomy 21 (T21), also known as Down syndrome- probably with little warning or preparation. It is also highly likely that you may be scared, confused, anxious, or even terrified. Often those feelings are also accompanied by deep love and concern for your new or unborn baby.


It is quite a paradox and can really send you into a tailspin. You love your child so much, yet all your background knowledge (which for many can be very limited) and inner voice may scream out, “This is the worst news possible!”



Stop Googling.

Breathe again.


We have been there.


And we want to tell you this: it really gets better. Really.


Not long ago we were in your shoes and feeling exactly the same things. Through our stories, you will see bits of yourself. You will see pieces of your family. You will see your new baby and, potentially, his or her future.You will see that life does not come crashing down and that your child will fold into your family like any other baby. Well, maybe not like any other baby. You may notice the intense stare as your baby seems to look into your heart and soul.


Our purpose in compiling these stories is to add to the resources for new and expecting parents with a T21 diagnosis. We want to share our experiences and stories and provide a realistic view of what it means to welcome a baby with Down syndrome into your family.


Our hope is that, through our words and photographs, you are able to glimpse into the future and more easily accept your baby and all that may come, and see that your baby truly is a blessing, like any other child.

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