You may have found your way here through a simple search of two words: Down syndrome.
You may have even typed these words before you have even said them aloud after hearing of the possibility of a new diagnosis for your child.
It may be that you have never met anyone with Down syndrome before. It may be that you had never heard of Trisomy 21. You likely have no idea what this all really means for your child, your family or for the future.
You are not alone.
As a parent relatively new to this path, I remember all too well those first moments, thoughts, days, months. I remember the millions of swirling thoughts and ideas. I remember longing for connection, understanding and comfort; a safe spot to land amongst the unrest in my mind.
This site is intended to be a resource for new families and a collection of pieces that I hope to contribute with some amazing people in the Ds community and beyond. So, take a look around and help yourself to lots of great information and resources that are available to you on this journey. You will find two book resources: Unexpected - nearly 80 stories from families around the world detailing their diagnosis experience to download and read now and The Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome - a book that offers information, resources and experiences from parents and medical professionals to support your child as you grow with them from pregnancy through adulthood.
You will also find connection in the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network, an organization I co-founded in 2014. For a new diagnosis, I believe it to be a great place to find people and resources both locally and online. At DSDN, we work to help support and connect families, especially in those first years and ensure they are not alone.
Welcome to the club- you really are going to rock this. Promise!
© 2016 Jen Jacob